Hello Taggers! As you know, today we have an episode of Nerfcast scheduled to be released. Unfortunately due to some technical difficulties after recording things were unusable. Since we have to re-record it'll likely be more than a day or two. But stay tuned here hopefully we can get our special guest back and discuss even more foam goodness!
Now, here's something we just uncovered in the midst of wallowing in our destroyed recording sadness:
Perpetual Play has done it again! The Mobile Mission P.A.K completely caught us by surprise and flew in under the radar. We found this guy at Toys "R" Us for $14.99USD. They were on an unmarked peg, and we had to use a price checker to verify the price. It is a briefcase design, with a handle and shoulder strap, that unzips and holds pistol size blasters. On the box they show the stryfe:
So, we're unsure of how much larger we can go. The top of the case has some netting to allow you to hold ammo, or other accessories (we're thinking a stock would be nice). Unsure as of yet, exactly how many magazines we can pack in here (get it? P.A.K.?!), but it looks to be the size of the Range P.A.K. so we believe you should be able to fit in some 12rnds no problem. In fact, in a stroke of genius, Perpetual Play apparently had this in mind:

That's right! You're be able to attach the Range P.A.K. to the Mobile Mission P.A.K.! In fact it looks like you'll be able to attach more than one, so you could carry a LOT of ammo potentially (now if only they'd sell us 12rnd magazines individually...). Unlike the Firestrike, this is actually billed as a feature and advertised on the packaging. Sure we probably would have figured it out, but it's nice to see it there, letting people know a head of time that this will work with something they may have already purchased, or will purchase knowing they are compatible.
Nice job Perpetual Play! We're really excited about this licensing and can't wait to see more from you guys in the future!